Passionate about the next generation of creatives.
Our mentor runs workshops for young musicians with a focus on developing them as potential career musicians. These workshops typically focus on any combination of the following:
Recording and production techniques
Individual and group live performance skills
Songwriting and lyric development
Introduction to music industry concepts and principles
Artist identity development
Motivation and character building

What Teachers / Leaders Are Saying
“The mentor provided by UNCHAINED XL was the perfect candidate for supporting our students due to the fact that he has always stayed true to himself. His own work is unique, positive and highly personal, and the boys were all inspired by his message to them to keep their own voice. ”
— Tim Botting (Ormiston Senior College, Deputy Principle)
“Throughout each event, UNCHAINED XL’s mentor has had a friendly and informative presence. His insight and knowledge has been beneficial to the development of young people and has helped to improve the credibility of the events.”
— Conin Bowker (YMCA North, Youth Programme Coordinator)
What The Students Are Saying
“We learned so much from their workshops - a lot about the industry and the usefulness of having connections. They were so helpful when it came to improving our live performance and onstage presence.”
— Ollie and Ephraim, New Found Sound 2020 Finalists
“The workshop really inspired us to fix our formerly cringe-worthy stage presence. He gave us good insight into the music industry and how it works. He was friendly and encouraging, and helped us with bits and pieces of our song.”
— Strategist Wang, New Found Sound 2020 Finalists